Friday, May 9, 2014

Learn to Appreciate

 Gilbert K. Chesterton said "The aim of life is appreciation; there is no sense in not appreciating things; and there is no sense in having more of them if you have less appreciation of them."

One of the biggest reasons people get discouraged and end up giving up on their goals in life is because they focus on what they don't have instead of what they do have.

That's why it's so important to APPRECIATE TODAY.

Everything starts with an attitude of gratitude.

When you wake up in the morning consider that a blessing. Because millions of people everyday do not wake up.

Always remember that it doesn't matter what level you reach in life people are always going to hate on you and disrespect you at times.

You could have the biggest heart, the best body and guess what? People will still go out of their way to put you down.

People who hate on other people’s success still baffles me.

People who hate on other people’s success still baffles me.

If you feel like expressing your opinion, make sure you have FACTS. Furthermore, don’t be afraid to give other people credit who have impacted you.

I've never been one to envy, envy is a characteristic of the WEAK.

You often times hear people say use haters as your motivation, but why on earth would you want to use people who are putting themselves down as motivation?

Some of the things that motivate me is inspiring others, seeing others get past limiting factors and putting themselves on the path to greatness and the thought of one day settling down and living a comfortable life since I don't come from much and haven't ever experienced that.

… not people whose insecurities out weight their confidence, there's absolutely nothing motivating about them. Those who have real Confidence have no room for jealousy.

When you know you have it, you have no need to hate because you’re too busy “winning” and bringing fourth your vision into reality.

I’ll see you at the top or from the top.

What do defeat, anxiety, self pity, desperation and surrender have in common?

What do defeat, anxiety, self pity, desperation and surrender have in common?

They are habits!

And one of the biggest unbeknownst habits people carry with them through life is FEAR.

Carrying around this habit is the difference between living and average life versus life full of abundance, success and freedom.

I do have some good news though.

All of these negative limiting factors get be removed with one simple resolution: Believing in yourself!

Everything that you have ever wanted in life CAN be yours and everything you want IS out there. It is simply waiting for you to ask it to be yours.

Successful people ARE IN CONTROL of their money.

Successful people ARE IN CONTROL of their money and they don't lose who they are when when the money comes into their pockets.

Having this down to earth perspective keeps their heads on straight and keeps them in business.

So just how is this characteristic pulled off?

In one of two ways.

One, it's just in their personality.

Two, they were able to figure out how to live off practically nothing while starting their business and making their initial profit.

FEAR is why most people never go on to accomplish something great in their life.

FEAR is why most people never go on to accomplish something great in their life. So how you handle fear is going to determine your direction in life.
You can handle fear in 1 of 4 ways.
You can go over it...
You can go under it...
Or around it...
But if you are ever to put fear behind you then you must walk STRAIGHT THROUGH IT.
Once the fear is behind you, leave it there.
Get in the habit of walking straight through fear and start to use you fear as motivation.
Instead of thinking of the what you're actually fearful of, think about what will happen if you DON'T push your comfort zone. Usually the latter will be scarier than actually pushing through the barrier

Saturday, November 10, 2012

View of the early Christian church

During different historical periods there were always church fathers who proclaimed the truth about the deity and self-existence of the Lord Jesus, as well as the fact that He is co-equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit. But there were also those who questioned and completely distorted biblical Christology. Through their views these deluded fathers deceived millions of other people. Examples will be given of true as well as false views about Jesus.
There is evidence indicating strong convictions that were entertained by the apostles and early church fathers on the eternal deity of the Lord Jesus. Kelly (1977:92-93) refers to the godly church father, Ignatius (35-107 AD), bishop of Antioch, who was later martyred for his faith, as a good source of theological thought of his time: “The centre of Ignatius’ thinking was Christ… (he) even declares that He is ‘our God’, describing Him as ‘God incarnate’… and ‘God made manifest as man’… in His pre-existent being ‘ingenerate’ (the technical term reserved to distinguish the increate God from creatures), He was the timeless, invisible, impalpable, impassable one Who for our sakes entered time and became visible, palpable and passable.” The thought of Ignatius was steeped in the Gospel of John with its strong emphasis on Christ’s unity with the Father: John 1:1-3 describes Christ as the Word that was with God since beginning, being also God Himself, and the One who has created all things that exist. John 10:30 says that Christ and His Father are one, and in John 14:9 Jesus explains to His disciples that he who has seen Him has seen the Father. In John 17:5 Jesus refers to the glory that He had with the Father before the world was.

The Incarnation of the Lord Jesus

In the fullness of time the Word, who created all things Himself, became flesh: “In the beginning was the Word… All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men… And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth” (Jn. 1:1-4,14). With the incarnation of the Word He temporarily surrendered His glory but not His essential deity.
In self-sacrificing love He condescended from His throne position in heaven to take upon Himself the likeness of men. He even came in the likeness of a servant who had no comeliness or beauty that we should desire Him (Is. 53:2).