Friday, May 9, 2014

Successful people ARE IN CONTROL of their money.

Successful people ARE IN CONTROL of their money and they don't lose who they are when when the money comes into their pockets.

Having this down to earth perspective keeps their heads on straight and keeps them in business.

So just how is this characteristic pulled off?

In one of two ways.

One, it's just in their personality.

Two, they were able to figure out how to live off practically nothing while starting their business and making their initial profit.

A mistake I see a lot of people make in this industry is going crazy when the money starts rolling in.

Suddenly what happens is they are spending more time playing and less time working. They neglect to reinvest in their business and before they know it the business crashes, burns and they are back to square one.

When I was making close to $30,000/month I was definitely not as wise as I should have been with the money and as a result guess what happened?

My business crashed in a matter of months. This wasn't purely due to money management, but it was a part of the problem.

Now I am on the path to getting back to $30,000+ a month and it will happen this year, but I will be returning to this level a lot wiser after going through that experience.

So ensure you have a plan of what you're going to do with money as it starts rolling in. Don't get in the habit of spending more than you make. That's why most of the population is in so much debt.

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