The Rich

Sometimes when we talk about being rich, many people think in different direction, some think of affluence, while somewhat.Being rich, undoubtedly, keeps you among a few distinguished amidst the crowd of mortals on the planet Earth. It is the wealth in your possession which provides you all the worldly pleasure and comforts, however, making of a rich is not as much easy concept to be adhered with nor it is fairy tale, where, you suddenly come across wealth after tiring treasure hunt. It is sheer hard work and use of one’s brain which make them rich. Most fortunate guys on the Earth in terms of wealth and business possessed by them were born of a Mother same way you were born.
Being rich is not all about being dedicated to your work and putting all your time to it. It is a state of mind. You become rich if you work hard and you have a stable and rich state of mentality. By having a stable mental status, it simply means you know how to handle things despite pressure and challenges. So if you do want to become rich, here are the attitudes that will bring you fortune someday.
1) Rich men/woman are solution oriented – if they happen to experience a certain situation, they don’t see it as a dead end to their goals, they look at it as an opportunity to solve problems. They have a different paradigm compared to most people, and this mentality develops their skills further than those who get stuck after a road block.
2) Rich men and women take risks even if they are not sure- Uncertainty of the outcome does not put a stop on them when it comes to taking risks. Most of the successful and rich people in the world took risks even if they were doubtful and fearful, just to get what they want. Some of these rich and prominent people include Bill Gates, Oprah, Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, J. Paul Getty and Donald Trump.
3) Rich men and women focus on their desires and plans – They do things that will make them productive. They are interested in learning new things not only for themselves but for others as well. They do not waste time on unnecessary activities and instead concentrate on what will lead them to their goals in life.
4) Rich men and women can relate to optimistic people – Success multiplies with success. If you mingle with other successful personages, you maintain the positive vibe even to the less fortunate. It is not a way of degrading the poor, but a chance to work together for a common good. If you take time to be with these people, you can be inspired by their efforts and success that will encourage you to become successful yourself.
5) Rich men and women thank and share their blessings- The richest persons are the most humble people. They have the value of gratitude and they share and thank what is given to them by the Almighty. They provide tithes, offerings, and donation to congregations that they are involved in. That is why their success is non-stop because they give back to those who are in need.
These positive attitudes will make an ordinary person into a rich one. Do not be dismayed if you encounter so much hurting, sacrifice, and disappointments, for these circumstances mold you to develop such attitudes that will make you very fortunate someday. As long as you maintain these characteristics in your life, the Universe will eventually provide you with the fortune that you have been dreaming of.
6) They refuse to be overwhelmed by the challenges of life. They know that what we concentrate on grows, so they concentrate on opportunities, not obstacles.

7) Once they have decided to do something, they start acting right away. They make a commitment, when most of us are contented with wishful thinking.

8) They take action instead of being busy. We all have 24 hours per day. The rich make sure they are making good use of their time. They don’t waste time in activities that lead nowhere.

9) They take responsibility for what they do, instead of believing the world owes them anything. Rich people know the difference between responsibility and entitlement.

10) They understand that the fact that one person gets richer doesn’t make others poorer. Being rich is not like a lottery with only one winner. So, instead of resenting other rich people, they admire them.

11) They like being around other rich people, not because they hope it will rub off them, but because they are genuinely interested in what makes them rich.

12) The main occupation they select fully capitalizes on their abilities.

13) While they usually excel in one area, they have multiple sources of income, many of them being passive income.
14) They are interested in many things, but focus on one at a time. This is a great recipe for success allowing them to take one thing at a time instead of spreading themselves thin. This way, they can accomplish a lot more.
15) They think big. They think long term. They know the amount of effort applied at the onset is not proportional to the results. So they look for the maximum reward for the same effort.
16) When they are negotiating, they are aggressive. They are willing to walk away from the deal at any time. They are not afraid to lose. If they lose, they have enough energy and commitment to rebuild what they have lost.
17) They believe in basic success factors such as integrity, discipline, relationships, hard work, career enjoyment, and leadership skills.
18) They reduce their worries with preparation, focus, and decisiveness.
19) They usually choose a supportive spouse who complements their goals.
20) They often have strong spiritual beliefs.
Since I believe that we first have to “be” before we can “have,” I intend to develop as many of these qualities as I can to become rich in my mind, before I start accumulating wealth! Don’t you want to join me in my quest?
Please if you want to join me please Email me @

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